Friday, 29 May 2009

Didn't we do well?!

Open University content has reached number one on the iTunes U downloads chart with the track ‘Bottled Water’ achieving 19,471 downloads in just four days.

This is not even a thinly disguised attack on bottled water.

So why does the OU supply so much bottled water to its staff, courtesy of Nestle?

Friday, 22 May 2009

More whale news

The best fossilised ancient whales have been found in the Himalayas. So I guess they gave up moutaineering to return to the ocean.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Slowly, slowly, catchy plankton

On the radio it said that when the whales re-entered the oceans they acquired flippers "very very quickly - it only took about 3 million years!"

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Truck of the Day

A timber company with the strapline "Everything that wood should be"

Essential qualities

a) Be wooden
b) Err, that's it

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Nice bus stops

More at

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Nothing goes unpuniched

Recently discovered documents from The Punic War Trials reveal that Hannibal was hauled over the coals for his expense claims.

While he was allowed the 37,000 pairs of gloves for his troops, his claims for 37 "War elephants" were turned down on the grounds that they were not fit for purpose and because Hannibal had made a fat profit by selling elephant manure to Senators.

Today's expenses news

The leader of the Lib Dems says he will come down like "a ton of bricks" on MPs fiddling expenses.

But can he claim for those bricks?

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Is this why Northampton is full of potholes?

Sign painted on road in Singapore

Teach yourself Chinese- Lesson 1

Moats, beams and expenses

MPs are entitled to claim for expenditure "necessary for a member to incur to ensure that he or she could properly perform his or her parliamentary duties"

How would you rate these claims?

a)David Heathcoat-Amery - £380 of horse manure

b) Douglas Hogg - £2000 for moat-clearing

c)Tony Blair - £1,800 for makeup (1999-2005)

Monday, 11 May 2009

Changing light bulbs

Q How much does it cost to change the shadow universities secretaries light bulbs?

A David Willetts, the shadow universities secretary, spent more than £100 on workmen to replace 25 lightbulbs at his home. He said: "We had problems with our lighting system which had caused many lights to fuse and needed the attention of an electrician."

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Hong Kong Pic 2

No way to attract passengers surely?

Hong Kong Pic 1

This is how they like their buses.